I like the thought of bringing recipes back from my travels. Food is always a good memory sparker.

125 grams butter
3 deciliter flour
1 tablespoon water
Mix the butter and flour in a mixer until you get a crusty texture. Add water and mix it together to a smooth dough. Push it out in a pie from and fork it in the bottom. Cool it in the refrigerator.
Put the piecrust in the oven a pre-bake it for about 10min, oven heat 225 degress celsius (437 degress farenheit).
pre-fry the mushrooms in a pan, just so that they get soft.
2 deciliter grined cheese (use a cheese with a lot of taste/strong chess)
2 eggs
2 deciliter milk
salt and peppar
Whisk eggs and cream togheter, add the grined chess and cut the chive into filling. Add salt and pepper.
Put the fried mushrooms in the pie crust and pour the cheese filling over the mushrooms. Bake the pie for about 20 minutes until the pie has stiffen. Oven temp: 225 degress celsius.